Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

2 July 2024

Wheat prices have held relatively stable over the past week, while global maize prices have declined.

28 June 2024

Canadian farmers planted less wheat and barley for harvest 2024 than they intended in March, and than the market expected.

27 June 2024

The gap between the UK monthly average ex-farm spot prices for bread and feed wheat fell to £56.40 /t in May.

26 June 2024

After a challenging growing season, could adjusting your rotation or business help increase its resilience?

25 June 2024

Yield expectations dip in the EU’s latest Crop Monitoring report; forecast warmer weather could have mixed impacts.

21 June 2024

82% of farmers identified business improvements by attending a Monitor Farm meeting.

19 June 2024

The most recent UK trade data, including information on imports and exports up to the end of April, indicates that grain import pace remains firm.

18 June 2024

As mentioned above, global grain prices were driven largely by US crop conditions and harvest progress yesterday. Winter wheat harvest is progressing rapidly, and maize is currently in its vegetative stage, with forecasts of hot weather last week causing concerns over its development.

14 June 2024

Chicago maize and soyabean prices gained yesterday (13 June) on the back of forecasts for higher warmer temperatures in key US crop growing areas.

13 June 2024

Yesterday, the USDA released its June World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). For wheat, Russia’s production was cut considerably, which, as well as cuts across Ukraine and Europe has consequently tightened the global 2024/25 balance.

12 June 2024

Last week, the latest AHDB GB animal feed production figures were published for April 2024. Animal feed production for April 2024 was up by 5.3% in comparison to April 2023, however remains 0.5% down in comparison to production over last years marketing year to date (July to April).

11 June 2024

The Turkish government announced last week that it will stop wheat being imported into the country from 21 June to until at least 15 October. This has added to the pressure in the global wheat market, particularly for European wheat futures.
